Nicholas Morrison - Networking Specialist

S1E2 - IPv4 Addressing

IP: Internet Protocol

  • Launched in 1974, by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn.

  • IP is the Layer 3 protocol supporting Layer 4 protocols such as:

    • TCP
    • UDP
    • GRE
    • ESP
    • … and many more
  • Other protocols that do a similar job to IP:

  • “Layer 3” and “Layer 4” refer to the OSI Layer Model

The OSI Layer Model (in short)

Quoting the standard

" 6.1.4. The highest is the Application Layer and it consists of the application-entities that cooperate in the OSI Environment. The lower layers provide the services through which the application entities cooperate.

6.1.5. Layers 1-6, together with the physical media for OSI provide a step-by-step enhancement of communication services. The boundary between layers identifies a stage in this enhancement process at which an OSI service standard is defined while the functioning of the layers is governed by OSI protocol standards. "

The Seven OSI Layers

Layer 7: Application   HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, WebSockets
Layer 6: Presentation  MIME, SSL/TLS, ASCII, MPEG
Layer 5: Session       TCP Sockets, named pipes, RPC
Layer 4: Transport     TCP, UDP, GRE, ESP
Layer 3: Network       IP, ICMP, IPSEC, OSPF, RIP
Layer 2: Data Link     ARP, VLAN (802.1q), PPP, IS-IS
Layer 1: Physical      RJ45, RS-232, 802.3 PHY (10BASE-T,
                       100BASE-T, 1000BASE-T), DOCSIS,

Tools for converting between bases

$ echo "obase=2;192" | bc
$ echo "ibase=2;11000000" | bc

IP Addresses

  • IP addresses are used to identify Layer 3 interfaces on an IP network
  • They have a fixed length of 32 bits,
  • usually written as four groups of eight bits with a dot between each eight:

except converted to decimal:

   192.     168.     0.       1
  • That ^ is called a “dotted quad”
  • You can also express it as a 32-bit integer, if you want to:

IPv4 and IPv6

  • IPv4 addresses: 32 bits long

  • 32 bits = 4,294,967,295 combinations of on or off, 1 or 0

  • => only 4,294,967,295 IPv4 addresses (minus reservations)

  • … but we have more devices than that

  • tricks for sharing IPv4 addresses: NAT (Network Address Translation)

  • IPv6 addresses: 128 bits long

  • 128 bits = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 (340 trillion trillion trillion) combinations of on or off

  • => 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IPv6 addresses

  • There are maybe 400 billion stars in the milky way.

Network Masks 1

  • IP addresses are often written along with a network mask.

  • 32 bits long (or 128 bits long for IPv6). = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
  • Clarifies the address as “network part” and “host part”

Network Masks 2

  • Same “network” part => communicate directly, no Router

  • Different “network” part => must use a Router to communicate

  • No gaps allowed in the bits in the network mask!

IP Address Example:

   203  .   33   .   18   .    1     /24
11001011.00100001.00010010.00000001  /24
  • the first 24 bits are the network part
  • the remaining (32 - 24 = 8) bits are the host part
   203  .   33   .   18   .    0     /24
11001011.00100001.00010010.00000000  /24
========.========.========                  <= network part, written as

   203  .   33   .   18   .    1     /24
11001011.00100001.00010010.00000001  /24
                           ========        <= host part, written as

IP Address Example:

   192  .  168   .   56   .   43     /16
11000000.10101000.00111000.00101011  /16
  • the first 16 bits are the network part
  • the remaining (32 - 16 = 16) bits are the host part
   192  .  168   .    0   .    0     /16
11000000.10101000.00000000.00000000  /16
========.========                          <= network part, written as:

   192  .  168   .   56   .   43     /16
11000000.10101000.00111000.00101011  /16
                  ========.========        <= host part, written as:

IP Address Example:

   150  .  101   .   5   .    6     /23
10010110.01100101.00000101.00000110 /23
  • the first 23 bits are the network part
  • the remaining (32 - 23 = 9) bits are the host part
   150  .  101   .   4   .    0     /23
10010110.01100101.00000100.00000000 /23
========.========.=======                  <= network part, written as

   150  .  101   .   5   .    6     /23
10010110.01100101.00000101.00000110 /23
                         =.========        <= network part, written as

Finding your own IP address(es)

  • Linux: ip a
  • Windows: ipconfig
  • macOS: ifconfig


  • What is your local IP address?

  • What is your network mask?

  • How many unique IP addresses are available in your local network?

linux: ip a | windows: ipconfig | macos: ifconfig

Handy tool: ipcalc