flokinet-010 - putting it together

title: flokinet-010 - putting it together
author: Nicholas Morrison
draft: false
tags: [network, workshop, arista]
categories: [workshop]
noindex: true

Connecting to the lab server

Open your favourite Terminal Emulator

SSH to the netlab server:

$ ssh-keygen -R netlab.nanocat.net   <- delete the cached fingerprint
                                        (lab server rebuilt frequently)
$ ssh [email protected]
Password: (generated fresh each week)

List the running containerlab devices:

$ sudo containerlab inspect --all

Connect to an Arista device:

$ sudo docker exec -it clab-device–name Cli

.. or connect to a Linux device:

$ sudo docker exec -it clab-pcXX-name bash


Diagram: Global

Supinet: global view
Supinet: global view

Diagram: Site

Supinet: site view
Supinet: site view


IP address plan

Configure spanning tree

Choose your root bridge, and then:

spanning-tree root primary

Verify the configuration with show spanning-tree.

Configure your management VLAN

Please ignore the official management interface. We will create our own.

vlan XXX
   name management
interface vlanXXX
   description --- management
   ip address x.x.x.x/x
interface ethXXX
   description --- trunk to xxx:ethx
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk allowed vlan XXX

Create VLANs for the customers

Three customers, one VLAN each.

vlan XXX
   name customer-XXX
interface ethXXX
   switchport trunk allowed vlan add XXX
interface ethX
   description --- customer pcX:eth1
   switchport mode access
   switchport access vlan XXX

Create Layer 3 VLAN interface for the customers

On your router,

ip routing

and then for each VLAN:

interface vlanXXX
   ip address x.x.x.1/x